What is an Active School?
The Active School Flag (ASF) is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. The process aims to get more schools, more active, more often.
St Brigid's is an Active School
In 2014 St Brigid's achieved the Active Schools Flag. Over the past few years there have been loads of changes and activities in the school in order to become an Active School. Here are some of the activities that are happening in St Brigid's:
Yoga- A yoga club has started for 12 very lucky first class children.The club will run for 6-8 weeks every Wednesday after school. Ms. Rooney, Ms. Reilly and Ms. Stephen's completed yoga training and now are passing on their yoga skills to the children. They are practicing yoga, mindfulness techniques and breathing exercises. It ties in nicely with our SPHE curriculum. The children love it!
Gaelic Football
Gaelic football has started for second class children every Monday after school. The children are learning kicking, hand passing, shooting, defending, teamwork and participation. They are really enjoying it and are looking forward to playing other schools in the tournament in June. Thanks to all the teachers who have given up their time to help the boys and girls learn the sport!
Hurling has started for second class children every Wednesday after school. The children are learning to hit the sliotar, blocking, passing, shooting, defending, teamwork and participation. Thanks to all the teachers who are giving up their time to teach the children this great sport!
Super Troopers
After Christmas First and Second Class children started the Super Troopers programme. It is a LAYA healthcare initiative to promote physical activity. Each child was given an activity journal so they could do their physical activity homework every night. The children love all the fun activities which are part of the programme like scissor jumps, tightrope walking, twist and shout and many many more! Why not ask join in your child's active homework?!